Authenticity, Spontaneity, and the "Heart"

It is a lie of the enemy that says success is only true success, authenticity only arrives, if you do it right the first time. The enemy militates against trial and error. The enemy whispers to you that if you arrive at a conclusion or a plan of action only through many experiments and attempts that failed, then the conclusion you arrived at must not be genuine. This same valuing or worshiping of spontaneity contributes to the idea that our truest selves are seen in the spontaneous desires that fill our hearts.

On a separate, but related, note, references to a person's "heart" are fraught with imprecision and lack of nuance. It can be legitimate to use the concept of a person's heart to refer to the deep and persistent work that God does in communicating himself, his purposes, and his ways to us. But it can also be legitimate to use the term "heart" to refer to the ungodly desires that fill us. If our attempts at communicating do not take this into account, especially when we are discussing matters that relate to our innermost experiences, we are very likely to miscommunicate.